We aim to provide one-stop solution to all your color matching needs. All our products and solutions have been crafted keeping the same thing in mind

Print & Packaging

We deal in products and services such as Design House, PrePress, PressRoom, Print Inspection, QC etc.

Industrial Products

We provide products and support for the Paint, Plastic & Textile industries catering the needs of color matching, formulations and QC

Ink Manufacturing

We also deal in world-class & affordable products required in the process of ink manufacturing


In addition to products, we also provide below support to our esteemed customers


Installation & Re-installation of Auto-Tracking Spectrophotometers, CIP3/CIP4 Preset & Closed Loop products

Software Support

On-Site & Remote Installation & Troubleshooting of software applications

Remote Support

We also provide Online Remote Support for products and related software applications